Current status and the impact of smartphone addiction on social interaction of general students at Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy in 2023


  • Hoàng Thị Thuận Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Trần Thị Thuý Hà Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Nguyễn Thị Trà My Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Ngô Thị Hương Minh Drug Administration - Ministry of Health, Hanoi
  • Nguyễn Thị Thuỳ Linh Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy



Smartphone, Medical students, Hai Phong Medicine and Pharmacy


The study on 400 students at Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy in 2023 aimed to evaluate the current situation of smartphone addiction and the impact of smartphone addiction on social interaction. The results showed that the average time students use phones/day was 7.5 ± 2.5 hours, with online shopping accounting for the highest proportion of 80.5%, followed by entertainment at 79.9%. The rate of students showing signs of smartphone addiction was high at 79.0%. Students showed signs of smartphone addiction affecting their studies (OR: 2.1; 95%CI: 1.2 - 3.8), affecting personal emotions (OR: 3.2; 95%CI: 1.9 – 5.4), influence on family interaction (OR: 2.0; 95%CI: 1.2 – 3.4), the difference was statistically significant, p < 0.05. Schools should increase the organization of extracurricular sessions integrated into teaching or in common class and club activities so that students can understand the benefits and harms of smartphones.


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How to Cite

Thuận, H. T. ., Hà, T. T. T. ., My, N. T. T. ., Minh, N. T. H. ., & Linh, N. T. T. . (2024). Current status and the impact of smartphone addiction on social interaction of general students at Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy in 2023. Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(1 Phụ bản), 144–151.

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