Survey of the implementation of the set of hospital quality criteria at hospitals in Can Tho City in 2023


  • Hoàng Quốc Cường Can Tho Department of Health
  • Huỳnh Nguyễn Phương Quang Can Tho Department of Health
  • Nguyễn Ngọc Việt Nga Can Tho Department of Health
  • Nguyễn Thành Lập Can Tho Department of Health
  • Châu Hoàng Vũ Can Tho Department of Health



Hospital quality, Can Tho, Set of criteria, Medical facility


 Hospital quality management plays an essential role in improving the quality of medical examination and treatment services at each hospital. We conducted a cross-sectional study on 26 state and private hospitals in Can Tho city in 2023 in order to assess the current status of implementation of the Ministry of Health’s Hospital Quality Criteria Score and identify related factors. The findings revealed that the overall average score of the criteria reached 3.72 points, most of the average score of the units’ criteria ranged from over 3.5 to 4.0 points (53.8%), 38.5% achieved 3.0 to 3.5 points, only 7.7% achieved over 4.5 points on a 5-point scale. Four factors were found to be significantly associated with the average overall quality score including Hospital rankings (p = 0.045); Types of hospital (p = 0.010); planned hospital bed capacity (p = 0.015) and length of hospital stay (p = 0.037). The findings underscore the importance of implementing timely policies and interventions for medical examination and treatment facilities to fulfill all aspects of the Ministry of Health’s Hospital Quality Criteria Score.


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How to Cite

Cường, H. Q. ., Quang, H. N. P. ., Nga, N. N. V. ., Lập, N. T. ., & Vũ , C. H. . (2024). Survey of the implementation of the set of hospital quality criteria at hospitals in Can Tho City in 2023. Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(1), 151–157.



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