Picky eating status and related factors in 2 - 5 old children at some preschools of Yen Binh district, Yen Bai province, 2022


  • Nguyễn Song Tú National Institute of Nutrition, Hanoi
  • Trần Thanh Dương National Institute of Nutrition, Hanoi
  • Hoàng Văn Phương General Department of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health, Hanoi
  • Ngô Huyền Trang VitaDairy Vietnam Dairy Joint Stock Company, Hanoi




Picky eating, wasting, respiratory infection, digestive disorders, children of 24 – 71,9 months of age, Yen Bai


 Picky eating is common in young children and cause of illness in children. A crosssectional study was conducted on 918 children 2 - 5 old in Yen Binh district, Yen Bai province, in 2022 to describe the current status of picky eating and some related factors. The results showed that the prevalence of picky eating was 74.2%; This rate was the highest in the 3-yearold group (79.4%), followed by the 2 yearold group (75.5%) and the prevalence in the 4 - 5-year-old group gradually decreases; The prevalance of children refusing, being afraid to eat, and not eating voluntarily was 57.1%; 50.5% of children did not eat half of the food and 20.8% of children ate main meals for more than 30 minutes. Children whose mothers work in other occupations had a 1.7 times increased risk of picky eating compared to mothers who work in the fields (p < 0.01). Children who were wasting and at risk of wasting, the Tay ethnic group, with a constipation and respiratory infections in the past 2 weeks increase the risk of picky eating, respectively 1.6; 1.9; 3.4 and 2.5 times (p < 0.01) compared to children without wasting and risky of wasting, other ethnicities and no signs of digestive disorders and respiratory infections. Therefore, picky eating contributes to the pathological cycle (digestive disorders, respiratory infections and wasting) of children. Improving picky eating may contribute to improved nutritional status.


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How to Cite

Tú, N. S. ., Dương, T. T. ., Phương, H. V. ., & Trang, N. H. . (2024). Picky eating status and related factors in 2 - 5 old children at some preschools of Yen Binh district, Yen Bai province, 2022. Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(1), 17–25. https://doi.org/10.51403/0868-2836/2024/1539



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