Expression and affected of chronic serous otitis media on aged from 4 to 6 years at Hanoi Medical University Hospital in 2020 – 2023


  • Phạm Thị Bích Đào Hanoi Medical University Hospital
  • Trần Văn Tâm Hanoi Medical University Hospital
  • Nguyễn Thị Huyền Trang Hanoi Medical University Hospital
  • Phạm Anh Dũng Hanoi Medical University Hospital
  • Vũ Phương Thảo Hanoi Medical University Hospital
  • Thái Thị Chung Hanoi Medical University Hospital
  • Nguyễn Xuân Hòa Hanoi Medical University Hospital
  • Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Hanoi Medical University Hospital
  • Nguyễn Thị Hằng Hanoi Medical University Hospital
  • Mai Thị Mai Phương Hanoi Heart Institute



Serous otitis media, pronunciation, children, Vietnamese alphabet


The aim of the study was to describe expression and affected of chronic serous otitis media on aged from 4 to 6 years. The study was conducted on 120 children from 4 to 6 years old who were identified as having chronic serous otitis media at the examination department of Hanoi Medical University Hospital from 2020 to 2023. The research team used the method of pronouncing words according to the Vietnamese alphabet to assess the children's pronunciation ability. Results showed that 9.8% of children pronounced correctly, 90.2 did not pronounce correctly. 12 single vowels: correct: a 91.8%, ă: 56.7%, â: 71.3%, e: 67.9%, ê: 83.5%, i: 21.5%, o: 76.1%, u: 81.6%, u: 18.9%, u: 93.7%, u: 26.5%, y: 65.9%. Of the 17 consonants: correct pronunciation: b: 92.3%, c: 34.9%, d: 76.4%, e: 37.8%, g: 31.6%, h: 81.2%, k: 45.8%, l: 89.1%, m: 37.1%, n: 39.5%, p: 18.6%, q: 21.9%, r: 71.1%, s: 23.7%, t: 92.1%, v: 54.7%, x: 67.8%. Among the 3 diphthongs: correct pronunciation: ia-yê-ie: 18.2%, ua-uô: 34.7%, ưa-ươ.: 71.2%. 9 initial consonants combined with 2 letters: correct pronunciation: ph: 9.8%, th: 65.5%, tr 34.8%, vh 9.8%, gi: 87.3%, nh: 68.4 %, ng: 45.8%, kh: 26.7%, gh: 28.9%. 1 consonant combined with 3 letters: correct pronunciation: ngh: 21.7%. The affected sounds of the group of children with chronic serous otitis media are mainly highpitched sounds, combined with double sounds.


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Đào, P. T. B. ., Tâm, T. V. ., Trang, N. T. H. ., Dũng, P. A. ., Thảo, V. P. ., Chung, T. T. ., Hòa, N. X. ., Ngọc, N. T. ., Hằng, N. T. ., & Phương, M. T. M. . (2024). Expression and affected of chronic serous otitis media on aged from 4 to 6 years at Hanoi Medical University Hospital in 2020 – 2023. Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(3), 80–86.

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