Characteristics of substance use and some related - factors of patients participating in methadone take - home program in Dien Bien, Lai Chau and Hai Phong in 2022


  • Trịnh Lê Nam Vietnam Military Medical University, Hanoi
  • Nguyễn Bích Diệp Center for Training and Research on Substance Abuse – HIV, Hanoi Medical University
  • Đỗ Đức Huy Center for Training and Research on Substance Abuse – HIV, Hanoi Medical University
  • Nguyễn Trường Giang Center for Training and Research on Substance Abuse – HIV, Hanoi Medical University
  • Đỗ Hữu Thủy Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control, Hanoi
  • Nguyễn Thị Minh Tâm Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control, Hanoi
  • Hoàng Đình Cảnh National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology, Hanoi
  • Lê Minh Giang Center for Training and Research on Substance Abuse – HIV, Hanoi Medical University



Drug use, opium, methadone, multi-day drug supply


A cross - sectional study described the characteristics of substance use and some related factors among patients participating in MMT take-home program in three provinces: Dien Bien, Lai Chau, and Hai Phong in 2022. Data collection was based on interviews, medical record extractions, and urine tests on 405 patients. The results showed that: 58 patients (14.3%) tested positive for at least one substance, mostly from the group who had discontinued the treatment program. Mental health issues were more prevalent in the positive-testing group compared to the negative-testing group: risk of depression (20.7% vs. 7.5%) and anxiety/depression (19% vs. 5.2%). Additionally, anticipated stigma was also higher (19 vs. 17 points). Low educational attainment, quality of life, and discontinuation of MMT take-home program were three risk factors leading to substance use by patients. Screening, addressing health issues, and maintaining MMT take-home program will help patients reduce substance use and enhance the program effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Nam, T. L. ., Diệp, N. B. ., Huy, Đỗ Đức ., Giang, N. T. ., Thủy, Đỗ H. ., Tâm, N. T. M. ., Cảnh, H. Đình ., & Giang, L. M. . (2024). Characteristics of substance use and some related - factors of patients participating in methadone take - home program in Dien Bien, Lai Chau and Hai Phong in 2022. Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(2 Phụ bản), 86–95.

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