Knowledge, attitude, and practice in using salt for daily meals of people in Dong Khe commune, Hai Phong in 2022


  • Cáp Minh Đức Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Lương Vũ Ngọc Mai Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Chu Khắc Tân Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Nguyễn Bá Phước Kien An General Hospital, Hai Phong
  • Nguyễn Thị Thắm Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy



Knowledge;, attitude, and practice, using salt, Hai Phong


A cross - sectional study was conducted on 400 adults people in Dong Khe ward, Hai Phong, the research period was from June to November 2022 aimed to describe the knowledge, attitude and practice in using salt for daily meals of people. Data were collected by direct interview method. The results showed that people having good knowledge was 19.7%; good attitude was 54.5%; good practice was 33.7%. Dong Khe Ward Health Station needs to coordinate with Hai Phong Center for Disease Control and Prevention to organize communication sessions to improve people’s knowledge, attitudes and practices in using salt on daily diets.


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How to Cite

Đức C. M. ., Mai, L. V. N. ., Tân, C. K. ., Phước, N. B. ., & Thắm, N. T. . (2023). Knowledge, attitude, and practice in using salt for daily meals of people in Dong Khe commune, Hai Phong in 2022. Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine, 33(1 Phụ bản), 20.

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