Treatment results of COVID-19 patients with Molnupiravir in Long An province in 2021


  • Nguyễn Văn Hoàng Long An General Hospital
  • Trần Kim Nhi Long An General Hospital
  • Trần Thị Hồng Nhi Long An General Hospital
  • Phạm Tấn Đức Long An General Hospital
  • Nguyễn Văn Lâm Long An General Hospital
  • Huỳnh Minh Phúc Department of Health Long An



COVID-19, Molnupiravir, adverse event, mortality


Molnupiravir is an orally-administered, small-molecule, antiviral prodrug that inhibits the replication of RNA viruses through viral error induction. On August 25, 2021, the Viet Nam Ministry of Health deployed a pilot program of the antiviral drug Molnupiravir to control the treatment of COVID-19 cases at home and in the community in 46 provinces (affected by COVID-19 epidemic) across the country with 300,000 doses of the drug. We conducted a study to evaluate the real-world safety and effectiveness of Molnupiravir on COVID-19 patients treated at home and
in the community in Long An province. A multicenter, retrospective cohort study was conducted at hospitals and commune health centres in Long An province. 1085 patients being treated with Molnupiravir were included. Molnupiravir adverse event rate was 2,7%. The rate of progression getting worse was 0.3%, the cure rate was 99.8%, the death rate was 0%, and the rate of viral clearance after 5 days of treatment was 93.1%. The study concluded that Molnupiravir was safe and effective in the treatment of asymptomatic-to-moderate COVID-19 in Long An province.


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How to Cite

Hoàng, N. V. ., Nhi, T. K. ., Nhi, T. T. H. ., Đức, P. T. ., Lâm, N. V. ., & Phúc, H. M. . (2024). Treatment results of COVID-19 patients with Molnupiravir in Long An province in 2021. Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(2), 55–62.



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