Some epidemiological, clinical and subclinical characteristics with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) at Hai Phong Lung Hospital in 2021


  • Trần Thị Bích Hồi Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Phạm Trung Kiên Hai Phong Lung Hospital
  • Vũ Thị Hoa Hai Phong Lung Hospital
  • Nguyễn Thị Thu Trang Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Nguyễn Thế Anh Friendship Hospital, Hanoi



Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), patients, treatment


A retrospective study aimed to describe some epidemiological, clinical and subclinical characteristics in 491 inpatients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) at Hai Phong Lung Hospital from January 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022. The results showed that male patient was 83% while female patient was 17%. The age group over 60 years old accounted for the highest rate of 82.1%. The subjects smoking tobacco and pipe tobacco accounted for 32.2% and 36.5% respectively; the rate of smoking both types was 21.8%. The COPD patients with asthma history was 4.3%; 4.5% had an allergy history. The majority had the disease for under 5 years and accounted for ¾ of the total number of COPD patients; only 4.9% of the patients had the disease for over 10 years. The patients had prominent functional symptoms, including cough 99.4%; dyspnea 93.1%, chest tightness, fatigue and poor appetite among about 2/3 of the patients. There were 20.6% of patients with moderately poor ventilation function; 16.7% with severely poor ventilation and 4.7% with very severely poor ventilation. 7.4% the patients had positive incomplete recovery. 67% of the patients with COPD had radiographic findings suggestive of COPD. 61% had CT scan results suggesting COPD. It need to strengthen the health education communication and screening for COPD in the community to help the community prevent the disease, and be more proactive in medical check-ups and early detection of the disease.


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How to Cite

Hồi, T. T. B. ., Kiên, P. T., Hoa, V. T. ., Trang, N. T. T. ., & Anh, N. T. . (2023). Some epidemiological, clinical and subclinical characteristics with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) at Hai Phong Lung Hospital in 2021. Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine, 33(1 Phụ bản), 14.