Ability of hearing impaired children to pronounce vietnamese tones in their 4th year of hearing at the Vietnam National Children’s Hospital, 2024


  • Lưu Thị Thúy Ngọc Vietnam National Children’s Hospital, Hanoi
  • Nguyễn Tuyết Xương Vietnam National Children’s Hospital, Hanoi; Univesity of Medicine Pharmacy, Vietnam National University, Hanoi




The 4th year of hearing, tone, hearing impaired children


Children suffering from hearing loss are those hearing impaired children who have lost their partial or complete ability to perceive sounds. Intervention and assessment for hearing impaired children after using hearing aids becomes vitally important, in particular the assessment of the child’s ability to pronounce Vietnamese tones. The study aimed to describe the ability of hearing impaired children to pronounce various Vietnamese tones. The study surveyed 16 hearing impaired children over the age of 5 years using hearing aids. These children are in their 4th year of hearing (36 to 48 months of hearing) at the Vietnam National Children’s Hospital. The results show that hearing impaired children pronounce Vietnamese tones relatively well however their ability in pronouncing Vietnamese tones in their 4th year of hearing depends on each type of tone. In conclusion the study recommends some methods in tone intervention for hearing impaired children.


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How to Cite

Ngọc, L. T. T. ., & Xương, N. T. . (2024). Ability of hearing impaired children to pronounce vietnamese tones in their 4th year of hearing at the Vietnam National Children’s Hospital, 2024. Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(3), 59–65. https://doi.org/10.51403/0868-2836/2024/1702

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