The prevalence of work motivation and some related factors of pharmacy staff in some districts of Hanoi in 2024


  • Lê Thị Như Hoa Thang Long University, Hanoi
  • Nguyễn Chí Đức Anh Hanoi Department of Health
  • Bạch Khánh Hòa Thang Long University, Hanoi
  • Nguyễn Đình Hưng Thang Long Institute for Medical and Pharmaceutical Research, Hanoi
  • Dương Huy Lương Department of Medical Examination and Treatment Management, Ministry of Health, Hanoi
  • Nguyễn Trí Khánh Linh Hanoi Dermatology Hospital
  • Đặng Đức Nhu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam National University, Hanoi



Motivation, pharmacy, Hanoi


The objective of study aimed to describe the prevalence of work motivation and some related factors of pharmacy staff in Hanoi in 2024. A cross - sectional study was conducted on 400 pharmacy staff in some districts of Hanoi from February 2023 to May 2024. The results showed that 53.7% of the study subjects had work motivation; females had 2.8 times higher work motivation than males, and those with a university degree had 2.9 times higher work motivation than those with an intermediate level education. Work motivation plays an important role in improving performance and efficiency in pharmacy work. Therefore, it is necessary to provide adequate facilities, financial support, and learning opportunities for pharmacy staff.


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How to Cite

Hoa, L. T. N. ., Anh, . N. C. Đức ., Hòa, B. K. ., Hưng, N. Đình ., Lương, D. H. ., Linh, N. T. K. ., & Nhu, Đặng Đức. (2024). The prevalence of work motivation and some related factors of pharmacy staff in some districts of Hanoi in 2024. Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(2), 151–158.



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