Etiology and antibiotic resistance of bacteria caused pneumonia in children from 2 months to 5 years old in Thai Nguyen Central Hospital in 2019-2020


  • Dương Thị Hồng Ngọc Thai Nguyen University of Medecine and Phamacy
  • Khổng Thị Ngọc Mai Thai Nguyen National Hospital
  • Lê Thị Kim Dung Thai Nguyen University of Medecine and Phamacy



Etiology, antibiotic resistance, bacterial pneumonia


This study aims to identify etiology and antibiotic resistance of bacteria caused pneumonia in children from 2 months to 5 years old. The cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in 155 cases of bacterial pneumonia at Thai Nguyen Central Hospitalin 2019-2020, bacteria were collected from nasopharyngeal secrection, which went through an antibiotic sensitivity test. The study shows that the most common bacteria causing pneumonia in children from 2 months to 5 years old were S.pneumonia (46.5%), H.influenzae (31%), S.aureus (9.7%). About antibiotic resistance level, S.pneumonia appears resistant to erythromycin, clindamycin, cefotaxim with high rate of 98.6%, 95.8%, 41.7%. The resistant rate of H.influenzae with ampicillin and cephalosporins ranged from 91.7 to 95.8%. S.aureus resistant to penicillin 100%, oxacillin 86.7%, even with strong antibiotic vancomycin 20%. Conclusion: The most frequently bacteria causing pneumonia in children from 2 months to 5 years old were S.pneumonia and H.influenzae. Antibiotic resistance level of bacteria tendsto increase, especially penicillin and cephalosporin group. Bacteria only have sensitivity with carbapenem and quinolon.


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How to Cite

Ngọc, D. T. H. ., Mai, K. T. N. ., & Dung, L. T. K. . (2021). Etiology and antibiotic resistance of bacteria caused pneumonia in children from 2 months to 5 years old in Thai Nguyen Central Hospital in 2019-2020. Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine, 30(6), 9–16.



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