Results of treatment for sudden sensorineural hearing loss at Thai Binh medical University Hospital in 2018 - 2019


  • Khiếu Hữu Thanh Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Đặng Xuân Vinh Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Chu Thị Hồng Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Ngô Thanh Bình Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy



Sudden sensorineural hearing loss, treatment, audiogram


The objective of this study is to describe treatment result of 35 patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss at Thai Binh Medical University Hospital. A case series study of 35 patients (38 ears) who were diagnosed with sudden sensorineural hearing loss and treated at Thai Binh Medical University Hospital from 2018 to 2019. The results was 92.6% of ears with slight hearing loss improved their hearing after treatment. 66.7% of moderate and 100% of severe impairment had partial hearing improvement. 50% of ears with profound impairment did not recover their hearing. Ears with audiograms type A, B, and C had an overall hearing improvement rate of 72.7%; 66.7% and 83.3%, respectively. Audiogram type E was not hearing improvement. Findings show that patients with slight hearing loss had better treatment outcomes than ears with moderate and severe hearing loss. Patients with audiogram type A, B or C had better prognosis than type E or D.


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How to Cite

Thanh, K. H. ., Vinh, Đặng X. ., Hồng, C. T. ., & Bình, N. T. . (2024). Results of treatment for sudden sensorineural hearing loss at Thai Binh medical University Hospital in 2018 - 2019. Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(3), 138–144.