Result of stape replacement by prosthesis for otosclerosis treatment via endoscopy at Saigon Ear, Nose and Throat hospital, 2015 - 2023


  • Trương Kim Tri Saigon Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Đinh Tiến Trung Saigon Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Nguyễn Ngọc Hà Viet – Tiep friendship Hospital, Hai Phong



Otosclerosis, Stapedotome/ stapedectomy, prosthesis, endoscopy


A prospective, describing study design research was conducted on 13 patients (15 ears) to describe the initial results of endoscopic stapes replacement to treat otosclerosis, and choose the intervention procedure on footplate at Saigon Ear, Nose and Throat hospital. Results showed that the gender (1:2.25), female 69.23%. age: 20 - 45 (76.92%). Damaged ear: Both side (84.62%). Pre- and post-operative tinnitus were 80% and 25% respectively (75% improvement). Stapedotomy is 73.33%, total Stapedectomy is 20%, Partial Stapedectomy 6.67%. The main material of prothesis in the study was fluoroplastic (73.33%) from Medtronic. Post-operation hearing: Average PTA improving is 24.24 dB; Average ABG closing is 19.33 dB, ABG improvement is good at 500Hz and 1000Hz (27.5dB and 25.7dB respectively), ABG < 20 dB (90%), of which ABG (11-20dB) accounts for 70%. The average bone conduction improvement is 4.95dB, of which the 2000Hz frequency has the highest improvement (8.1dB). Post-operative tinnitus has being improved by 75%. Severe vertigo complication were 13.33% (2 stapedectomy cases). The results show that stapedotomy and stapedectomy are effective surgical procedures for the treatment of otosclerosis which give the better hearing and lead to improvement quality of life, shorten surgery time and hospital stay. Stapedotomy contributes to reduce postoperative vertigo.


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How to Cite

Tri, T. K. ., Trung, Đinh T. ., & Hà, N. N. . (2024). Result of stape replacement by prosthesis for otosclerosis treatment via endoscopy at Saigon Ear, Nose and Throat hospital, 2015 - 2023. Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(3), 117–123.