Update on staging and treatment of ear atelectasis worldwide


  • Bùi Thế Anh National Otolaryngology Hospital of Vietnam, Hanoi




Ear atelectasis, tympanic membrane retraction pocket, staging, treatment


This study aims to describe and update the staging and treatment of ear atelectasis and retraction pocket of the tympanic membrane. Scoping review on Pubmed database from 1970 to February 2024. Results showed that 22 articles were found with classification of Sadé, Tos, Charachon, Gersdorff, Dornhoffer, Erasmus, Tran Ba Huy, Vijayendra and Mahajan. Most of the classifications were based on the location and clinical characteristics of the retraction pocket but not on the hearing ability of patients. Therefore, most of the staging are significant only in the follow-up and research but not enough in the decision of treatment. Management of ear atelectasis and retraction pocket of the tympanic membrane depends on both staging and the hearing ability of patients.


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How to Cite

Anh, B. T. . (2024). Update on staging and treatment of ear atelectasis worldwide. Vietnam Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(3), 54–58. https://doi.org/10.51403/0868-2836/2024/1701